'ULTIMATE KIDS P.E LESSONS (www.focuz-fit.co.uk | @FocuzFitUK) Focuz-Fit presents \'Ultimate Kids P.E Lessons\'! Workout Breakdown: *25 seconds WORK - 10 seconds REST* #1 Bear Crawls #2 Sit Up & Press #3 Bag Toss #4 Squat #5 Bag Pull Through #6 High Knees #7 Mountain Climbers #8 Burpees The series is delivered by coach Chris on a daily basis (weekdays, 13:00) who works within nurseries and schools every single day providing outstanding sports coaching sessions for all. Please help us reach every child in the world by subscribing and sharing our videos as we want every child to reap the benefits of our ULTIMATE KIDS P.E LESSONS! Creating Future Role Models... Credits Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com/'
Tags: fitness , home workouts , kids fitness , beginner workouts , hiit workouts , beginner exercises , kids workouts , fun fitness , kids games , army workouts , home workouts for kids , family workouts , exercises for kids , hiit for kids , Calorie Burner , pe lessons for primary school , kids sports , focus fit , focuz fit , 15 minute workouts , school sports , ultimate kidz , kids army workouts and exercises , army fitness testing , children exercises and workouts , fat lose exercises and workouts
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